Once the texturing was set up I imported the UVW map onto the object in the material editor by linking the image file with the diffuse colour. I then added the same file as the bump map to create the impression of Gecko skin and changed the specular and gloss settings to add some definition. Finally I created a texture for the eyes and applied it to the object to complete the model.
Now the model was finished I could start the texturing. I applied the unwrap UVW modifier to the model, then labelled each segment of the model and defined the shape of each part. Next the UVW template was flattened in order to create the UVW texture template. To create the textures I used Macromedia Fireworks CS4.
Completely reshaped the legs, as they did not look natural and added a slight curvature to the tail. Raised the neck and head to give it a more natural looking pose.
Focused on the facial features of the Gecko. Added in eye sockets by using the cut tool and manipulating the vertexes into position. Changed the nose shape slightly and added a mouth line in the same way as the eye sockets were created.
Improved the leg's shape as I was not happy it. Changed the feet as firstly the toes looked too small and the Turbosmooth rendered them as being very flat and webbed looking. To do this I deleted the feet and recreated the polygon with the create tool, then extruded the feet back out.
Added in a sphere for an eye and then used the symmetry tool again to mirror the eye to create another on the opposite side of the head. Then I created the back legs and feet using the same extrude method from before. Also changed the head shape slightly.
Started making the front legs and feet by using the extrude tool on the polygons. Was not happy with the shape of the Gecko so it was altered slightly.
Added on a Turbosmooth modifier to make it look neater and turned up iterations to 2. Changed the Gecko's shape slightly. Used the quick slice and cut tools to add more cross sections and vertices, so that the head had a more rounded shape.
Started with a simple rectangle with a few cross sections, similar to how i started my shark. Then manipulated the vertices into a rough outline of a Gecko. Set up the symmetry modifier so it would save me time as only one side would need to be created.